Giving up a timeshare

Transfer of title of US timeshare ownership

When my clients, Peter and Polly, wanted to hand back their entitlement to their timeshare flat in Florida, the timeshare management company required that the deed of transfer be signed in front of a notary public. Peter was very keen to sort out the papers as soon as possible, to avoid having to pay another year’s management fee. I arranged to see him and Polly the same day. I asked them to email ahead the documents they had received and the associated signing instructions, so that I could review those while they drove to my office. On their arrival, having made the required identity checks, I oversaw their signature of the documents and signed it as a witness and notarised the document with my stamp and seal. The documents needed to be sent to Florida by FEDEX and the management company had provided a pre-paid means of doing that. I scanned the documents for my records and Peter and Polly left secure in the knowledge that their papers had been properly executed in time to be processed before the annual fee payment deadline.